Thursday, April 2, 2009

They're Cooommmiinnngggg....

The British are coming... the British are coming... well, okay, no they aren't but it is almost Patriots' Day, a little known state holiday in Massachusetts (and apparently Maine and Wisconsin) and the day the Boston Marathon is run... but that is not the point of this post.

Who is coming you ask? MY IN-LAWS are coming! Yes, Blunoz's Dad and Step-Mom descend upon us next week for the boys' spring vacation! We haven't seen them since early September when we breezed into town for Uncle D's wedding and our drive across country. It was sure nice of the Navy to transfer Kevin at the perfect time for that!

So, we have been in discussions of what are we going to do while they are here. Currently on the list of things to see is The Pentagon, Monticello and Luray Caverns. I am sure we will also have to hit a Smithsonian or two and see the Cherry Blossoms. Of course some of this is contingent of Blunoz being able to take the leave he put in for. But we will have fun with or without him. But if anyone has some advice about some cool little known site to see in the Northern Virginia/DC/Charlottsville area, please let me know!

Yes, you hear right! We will have fun, I, Sagey, will have fun with my in-laws with our without my dear husband! :-) How great is that. I am also not stressed about cleaning or making a good impression. They know me, and they still love me (and I can be hard to love)! How many of you can say that about your in-laws? Oh sure, I will probably run around vacuuming and I will most certainly scrub and sterlize the bathrooms, but who cares that there are legos EVERYWHERE? Ahh, life is good!

Grandma feeding the deer in Oregon, September 2009 (picture by ES).
Papa and YB just before Uncle D's wedding (picture by ES).
Yes YB changed his clothes for the wedding! :-)

1 comment:

Loping Squid said...

Hey, I know this family in the area who might be able to help. They are who I usually turn to for this type of....wait.
That's you.