Monday, November 24, 2008

I Believe...

I don't know why, but this has been weighing on my heart the past couple of weeks. I feel the need to share.

I believe in Jesus. It is that simple.

I think a lot of the time I take for granted what a great life I have, but I had an epiphany, if you will. I have a great life because I believe in Jesus;, my husband believes in Jesus; and my parents believe(d) in Jesus.

I know what it means to be held in the arms of Jesus. We are all held there, but acknowledging Him, makes it so much better. Bad things are going to happen and He will carry us through and/or be there to catch us when we fall. But He is also going to bless our lives so much.

I am thankful for...
My inspirational/loving parents.
My fantabulous husband.
My wonderful/insane boys.
Fantastic friends.
The beautiful roof over my head.

Others can say it so much better than I. Watch/listen to the videos I posted that were speaking to me in the shower this morning, which is what prompted me to write this post, to share what I believe. I believe in Jesus! :-) Or as I have said before, Faith Works!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You!

Nine Thousand Poppies at the Word War I Museum in Kansas City.
Each one represents 1,000 Soldiers killed during that war.

Let us never forget!

Thank you to the men and women who have served us and protected our freedoms in each and every war.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Cool Site

I have been furiously trying to clean/pick-up/organize our just moved into house before Blunoz' friends from college arrive for a house hunting trip. They are also Navy and they will be moving to the DC area from Newport, RI. So I thought it was funny to receive this cool site from my MIL today. I don't know where she finds these cool sites, but today she shared "How to Clean Stuff". They even tell you how to clean your Wii Balance Board. BTW, anyone in my family reading this and trying to think of a Christmas present for me, I do have the Wii Balance Board Silicone Cover on my wish list. :-)

But on a bright note, one side of our sink has been slow to drain and I knew that baking soda and vinegar was supposed to help unclog a drain but I got the "how to" from them and now my sink is draining much more efficiently! Thank you my dear MIL (though I probably could have just called you and you would have just told me the answer to that one)! :-)

Ok, back to some more picking up before we have to go and get YB from preschool.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reject Paint

June Cleaver reminded me of a recent trip to Home Depot with ES. Our house is very beige, and I am not beige, so I want to paint the boys rooms to start. So ES and I were standing at the paint chips for at least a half hour "discussing" different color options. Let's just say we had two VERY different ideas of colors for his room. He wanted NEON orange, I wanted a nice blue that would actually match his quilt. Finally in exasperation I said, we will take these paint chips home with us and hang them on the wall to see what we think of them.

We met back up with Blunoz and YB and headed to the key center where Blunoz was having some locks keyed to match our main house key. I left the boys and wandered off and found the reject paint section. Hmm... this blue is nice. So I grabbed it and took it over to ES just waiting for the NOOOOO to come out of his mouth. Instead I received his dog panting impersonation. This means he loves it. Really? Dog panting continues... You want THIS color (this BLUE that is VERY similar to the ones I was just showing you and you said "No No and No" to)? OK, there you have it. Paint selected and for the bargain price of $5!

Now to get around to actually painting. :-)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted...

Did you?

If not, I don't want to hear any whining about who gets elected. :-) Go vote now!