Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reject Paint

June Cleaver reminded me of a recent trip to Home Depot with ES. Our house is very beige, and I am not beige, so I want to paint the boys rooms to start. So ES and I were standing at the paint chips for at least a half hour "discussing" different color options. Let's just say we had two VERY different ideas of colors for his room. He wanted NEON orange, I wanted a nice blue that would actually match his quilt. Finally in exasperation I said, we will take these paint chips home with us and hang them on the wall to see what we think of them.

We met back up with Blunoz and YB and headed to the key center where Blunoz was having some locks keyed to match our main house key. I left the boys and wandered off and found the reject paint section. Hmm... this blue is nice. So I grabbed it and took it over to ES just waiting for the NOOOOO to come out of his mouth. Instead I received his dog panting impersonation. This means he loves it. Really? Dog panting continues... You want THIS color (this BLUE that is VERY similar to the ones I was just showing you and you said "No No and No" to)? OK, there you have it. Paint selected and for the bargain price of $5!

Now to get around to actually painting. :-)


Caffienated Cowgirl said...

Dang! $5! That's fabulous...especially with ES in agreement :)

Anonymous said...

Wow at the price! Kids are so funny that way aren't they? Show pics when its done!