Sunday, January 11, 2009

Where is Blunoz?

If you are wondering why posting on Blunoz' blog has been lite, it is because he has been busy playing Zelda on the DS. :-)
As you all know ES lost his 3rd tooth last weekend. His previous two losses occurred after the adult tooth had already started growing in, so this is his first REAL gaping hole as nothing is visible yet! But rest assured we went to the dentist for the regular cleaning/check and we got to see all the big teeth under the gum line. The other good news was that we have at least another two years before we have to start shelling out for stage 1 orthodontics.

The weather here has also been mild as a Virginia Winter should be, but it has been annoying in that we have had a lot of precipitation and we hover just above freezing.

But this does not stop the birds from coming out...

Or the squirrels of course! :-)

For those of you wondering, WW went REALLY well last week. I managed to lose 3lbs and not feel like I was depriving myself. It is all in the choices! Unfortunately due to a social obligation Saturday night, I managed to gain back a pound. I did my best to eat right but our hosts were from a foreign country and I did not want to be rude and refuse too much food. But I know I can get back on track and lose that pound again and hopefully another one! :-)


Kat said...

Congrats on the 3 lbs and you are right, I am sure that the 1 lb gain will come right back off. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Greak job on the loss...way to go!

ES is such a handsome little thing with his toothless grin!

I will not make fun of Blunoz on the DS since I can often be found hoarding Guitar Hero with the BK is at school! ;)

Sagey said...

Kat, thanks for the encouragement! It did indeed come back off, and now to lose some more. :-)

Sam, ES was quite distressed this morning. He got up and got dressed and ate his breakfast and got his shoes on and declared "Now I cam play Zelda until it is time to go to school" so he starts searching for the White DS (Blunoz and I share one and the boys each have one). It is no where to be found... We call Daddy at work and he declares he took it to work to play on the bus ride home! OH NO! :-)

JoLee said...

tell Kev he can get a new one for himself for as little as $109! :)
Congrats on the 3#..... Keep going - you'll look better snorkeling than I! :)

Sagey said...

Oh we don't need another DS, we needed another copy of Zelda. ES had his DS but B had the Zelda cartridge in the our DS. I took the boys to Target this afternoon to get another copy and to get some stuff for our friend who is going to Ethiopia on a Mission Trip in a couple of weeks.

Celia said...

Those pics are great! I love brightly colored birds in winter.

(ES's toothless smile is adorable, by the way.)

Loping Squid said...

Hey, thanks for the pictures of the birds. I miss Cardinals and Red-winged black birds.