Sunday, July 13, 2008

6 Random Things

I think I was memed though no Comment was left on my blog letting me know. :-)

Six Random things about myself... right...

1. I will start with the beer theme since that seems to be the trend. Not a huge fan of beer per se, but I do love a good Sam Adams. But my favorite is a Lindemans Framboise Lambic. I was introduced to this in college by E (different than the one that just came to visit) at a restaurant called Holmes and Watson. I believe that wonderful restaurant with their onion chips is closed, but it will always hold fond memories for me. I am looking forward to going back to Virginia where I can get this beer at Wegmans.

2. Unlike my husband who likes a list, I am easily distracted. I can start a task but if it takes me into another room, I will probably work on something there and leave the other thing half finished. My mother is a tasker and I always found this trait about myself odd/less efficient. But I recently heard from my Grandmother (my mom's mom) that she is the same way. Wonder where my mom got her focus from... aren't genetics interesting?

3. I have tons of allergies. Growing up I was not athletic. I couldn't even run a mile in junior high without getting winded. I asked my mom multiple times to take me to an allergist but with the little knowledge she had of allergist she deemed it not necessary. I finally went after college when I had my own insurance. Everyone there was amazed that I had never been in. The covered my back with little pricks to test my allergic reaction to everything. My back blew up like a balloon, ok maybe not that bad. But I scored high on EVERYTHING except food and pine and birch trees. I then had to go do a lung capacity test and I couldn't even register the machine. Gee I wonder why I couldn't run that mile. :-) So I am still not athletic but my lung capacity is better (I can actually register the machine now).

4. Where does the name Sagey come from? I went to an all women's college, Russell Sage College in Troy, NY. An experience I would not change for the world. I am not a liberal, but I am a liberated woman. I value the experience of being pushed to accomplish anything regardless of my gender. Don't worry, there were plenty of men around. Renssellaer Polytechnic Institute was just up the hill and there was a bus that circled the two campuses all day. I also laugh that if I had not gone there I would have never met Blunoz. Yes he went to the University of San Diego, not RPI. But our mutual friend (Broeknpoet) went to RPI and he introduced us. See how that works? :-) (On a side note, Brokenpoet says to tell you that I am not fond of throwing knives).

When I was at Sage, the RPI girls would refer to a Sage Girl as a Dumb Sagey and that always cracked me up. Just because we weren't engineer geeks, doesn't mean we were dumb. So when I had to come up with an XBox name on the fly, that is what I came up with.

5. Blunoz says to tell you that I hate folding laundry. It isn't so much the folding part, it is more of the putting away part. I don't know why this task annoys me. But I could leave laundry in the basket for weeks, months even. I say I want a house with a counter for folding laundry, but in reality, I know it would just sit there and no one would ever put it away. So maybe that isn't such a good idea. :-) Right now folding it on our bed is working for me because then I can't go to bed without putting it away. It took some discipline on my part to not just put it on the floor. But now I am usually pretty good about getting it put away. But I admit there are some nights it just goes back into the basket on the floor next to the bed and then SITS there.

6. I don't need a lot of friends. Just a few close ones does me well. Being a Navy Spouse can sometimes be hard when you have this type of personality. It is hard to move to a new area and make new friends. Obviously a girl needs friends where she is, but I have been blessed with some wonderful friends that stick by me over the miles and the years (you all know who you are).

I am going to break rule number 4 and 5. Most of my blogger friends have already done this so I will leave them alone (yes Loping Squid and Caffienated Cowgirl you can thank me later).

1. link to the person who tagged you.
2. post the rules on your blog.
3. write six random things about yourself.
4. tag six people at the end of your post.
5. let each person know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
6. let the tagger know when your entry is up


divrchk said...

I'm glad to know that I didn't learn anything new.

Sagey said...

Well, the rules were random, not new things. :-)

Loping Squid said...

Sagey, I DID learn some new things, and by the way, you suck.

Loping Squid said...

I've now read your comment again.
You no longer suck.

Sagey said...

BTW,LS what did you learn that was new? :-) Maybe I do need to Meme you.... he he!!