Monday, April 28, 2008

Quote of the Night

My mom has been visiting for the past two weeks. As some of you know, I am not a huge fan of cooking dinner and I am really not a salad eater so there is usually not salad on my table (let's be real, Blunoz is the only one that would eat AND enjoy it). I always come up with some other vegetable that the boys MAY eat.

Anyway... Since I don't really enjoy cooking, Rachel Ray has become a staple of my life. So tonight we had Rachel Ray's BBQ Spice Chicken and Salsa Salad. I had prepped the entire meal, including chopping up the veggies for the Salsa Salad when Mom came into the kitchen and asked if I wanted her to make a salad. My response was "I already did." Can you guess her response?

"You DID?!" (I wish I could convey the tone of shock and disbelief here). I am surprised she didn't just drop to the floor in shock!

Yup... this about sums up my life. :-)

Anyway, if you checked out the recipe you will note RR serves it with Pumpkin Polenta. I have yet to find the ingredients for that one (guess the commissary only carries pumpkin in the fall). So we eat it with Hawaiian Sweet Bread, YUMMO! ;-)


Anonymous said...

OMG that looks and sounds soooo good! And we LOVE polenta. I always have cans upon cans of pumpkin b/c I use it almost daily. You post the best recipe finds...thanks for that!

And ha ha at the comment! So funny! Sounds like you're enjoying Mom being there!

Caffienated Cowgirl said...

That made me crack up! (Not that I am laughing at you or anything...) :)

Sagey said...

Yea, it was pretty funny! Just the shock alone was worth making the "salad". :-)