As many of you know from reading
Blunoz's blog, I have been sick. Well our Little One (YB) is now also sick and has conjunctivitis. Since that is highly contagious, we went to see the doctor yesterday. So here are a couple of things I learned from the doctor:
- Decongestants are proven not to work for children under the age of 6. The American Pediatric Association has been trying to get legislation passed so that the pharmaceutical companies cannot label decongestants for children under the age of 6. It was a huge accomplishment just to get them labeled for over 2.
- If your child has a fever but is acting normal, you don't need give him anything for it.
Another thing I learned today was in regards to car accidents. A few weeks ago I was in a minor car incident where another mom and I backed into each other in the preschool parking lot. She rudely filed a claim without sharing her insurance information with me, I had provided mine but expected a call from her telling me if they wanted to involve the insurance company, so I was quite surprised to receive a phone call from my insurance company telling me that a claim had been filed. Seriously, the damage was so minor to each of the bumpers and we were both backing up. What was the point? Well, the insurance company has said it was 50/50 liability. Okay, so what exactly does that mean?
This means that I will be receiving a check for 50% of my damages that I can use to fix my car or I can use it for something else and she will receive a check for 50% of her damages. So lady, thanks for the free money! I also learned that just because you drive a BMW doesn't mean that you are not at fault when it comes to an accident (and I do not drive a BMW). :-) Apparently the other mom is still contesting the results that our adjusters came to in a meeting with each other and with their managers (yes we both
have the same insurance). All my adjuster can deduce is that she feels she is not at fault because she was in a BMW. Yea, well, I was in an
ACURA with a back0up camera that your were not displayed it so it isn't my fault either! :-)
I am going to have a tough time not laughing when I see her at school!