Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Secret is Wine...

So I have been on again off again with this whole weight loss thing. Really not having the motivation/desire. But two weeks ago I obtained that desire and ended the week with points left over and a 0 lb. weight loss. BUMMER... so what was the problem...

Here is what I decided. I put my nightly glass of wine back into the routine. When Blunoz was at SCC, deployment and geobacheloring it, I had a huge successful weight loss. But every night I had a glass of wine and a small snack after I put the boys to bed. This is something I had not been doing on a regular bases with Blunoz home.

So this week I put that back in on a nightly bases. Results... 1.5 lbs down. Hmm, is the Secret really wine? Are there any studies out there saying that is the key, or maybe that is why the French are really skinny.

Okay so I had to google "wine weight loss" and wow, there was actually an article in a 2006 Prevention Magazine saying I may be right. Hmmm... I guess I need to go buy more wine. :-)

On a side note about WW Online, one thing I always thought it was lacking was a place to record your measurements and watch those go down. Today as I was entering me weight, I saw that they have added that in. So today I measured, I sure hope to watch my waist measurement go down. :-)


Ruth said...

Cheers! And I'm off to the store for wine. 8-)

The Cowgirl said...

My dear Sagey, wine is ALWAYS the answer :)

Sagey said...

LOL to both of you! :-)