Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bike Helmets: Do you know the laws?

There is this blog that I sometimes read and have recently been horrified as she has posted pictures of her small children careening down the street on bikes without helmets. I was under the impression there was a helmet law. Well today she came out and basically said "don't tell me how to raise my kids"... which in general she is right. But like I said, I thought there was a law. So I googled... umm... where she is, there is no law! Check and see if your state has one, chances are it doesn't!
Who started this evil bike helmet law anyway?

My kids will still wear their helmets just because we already started down that line and we do move so much you never know what the next state is going to require. I also know people that have suffered some serious head trauma riding their scooters without helmets. So my kids will wear their helmets. :-)


Kat said...

I agree 100%!

Ruth said...

Gotta agree that helmets are a good investment, if you get folks to wear them. When not wearing them, health insurance costs for all of us go up to cover the costs of head trauma.

JoLee said...

There is one BIG reason I would make kids wear helmets....
same as the reason to wear seat belts:

"Buckle up one & all, Short & Tall, Big & Small..Momma don't raise no vegetables". ;)

One good whack on their heads and your life becomes tired to taking care of them for the rest of their lives - ruining YOURS.... let alone THEIRS!